Sunday, May 9, 2010

ten driving thoughts.

Driving back today from Chattanooga to Asheville I realized some things. SUCH AS:

1) Being alone in my thoughts for four hours is kind of nice, and horribly annoying at the same time. Especially when your phone is dying, and you have no ipod because the ipod you have decides to break because all technology you come in contact with seems to want to gang up on you and hate you.

2)I hate Ryan Seacrest.

3) But his top forty countdown I like. Four hours of pop radio music didn't drive me as crazy as it probably should. Hearing "Bulletproof" three times in four hours was a very joyous occasion for me this morning.

4) I eat way too much McDonalds.

5) An iced coffee, AND a double shot starbucks drink did NOT give me the energy I needed. My eyes kept closing!! I'm not sure exactly what I realized from this except maybe to buy some sunglasses????? Because the sun in my eyes makes me sleepy???

6) Honking and holding your breath when going through a tunnel isn't as fun when you are the only one in the car.

7) I feel invincible when I speed.

8) I am impulsive. In way too many areas of my life. THINK THINGS THROUGH KARIN!! COME ON!!!

9) Where is college going? And how am I a senior already?

10) I'd like to attempt at owning fish again. And have one last more then a month. They always die without having lived the full life they deserve. Technology and fish... what is it you have against me?

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