Saturday, May 22, 2010


When I was watching Oprah the other day (as I have done most every day since I have been home.. what can I say, Oprah knows things) she was talking to Simon Cowell, and they were talking about marriage and such, and how he is getting up in age. And she said something like, "Well that's okay 50 is the new 40 these days."

.......And this is where my question comes in. I don't understand this whole, "old" and "new" thing. For example, the other day I was told that the color coral is the new pink. But when did pink become old? And when pink was new, what color was old? And what if I don't want coral to be the new pink? Do I have any say, or is it a done deal?

Basically, I'm just confused. Is 50 really the new 40? And if so, does every age have a "new" age? I'm 21.. is 21 the new 16? Does that even make sense? Whoever makes these "rules" I want a part in it! I want to make wearing no make-up the new make up face! Unbrushed bed-head to be the new hair-dried straight lucious locks! For lunchtime I want sushi to be the new PB&J! Give me something!

(My apologies for the mass amounts of question marks in this post.)

1 comment:

Adrianne said...

people who say 50 is the new 40 are just in denial... there's no turning back time... but they can make you think there is... mind benders. liars.