Saturday, February 27, 2010

open up.

I write words, wondering who will see.
wondering how they will be taken.
wondering how I appear to you. to everyone.

roller skating is mindless. I love it.

I want to be a star. I wanna dream to be something big like when I was little.
In kindergarten, we filled out a booklet about what we wanted to be when we were older. Two of my top choices:
1) A figure skater
2) A dentist

I remember my kindergarten classmate Duncan (who I so cleverly called "Duncan Donut" in the secret of my mind) made fun of me for wanting to be a dentist. Alright, so maybe he was justified in thinking I was retarded about my dream of having a dental career. But still. I remember my mind racing and trying to figure out if he was right, was I stupid for my dream of wanting to clean people's teeth? I hold in my memory so many insecure feelings like I felt that time in kindegarten. Still my thoughts are so effected by what people say. My wishful thoughts constantly partake in a duel with reality.. with my peers opinions.

I feel like I'm gonna burst.

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