Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I've realized there is a lot I don't understand.
When I was little four year old Karin, I didn't understand why I couldn't eat my dad's tums that were sitting on the coffee table in front of me. They looked like candy, they kind of tasted like candy, so in my mind, they were candy. and candy was to be eaten. I was confused.
When I was in my supa fly pre-teen stage my parents sat me down and told me we were moving away from Maryland. I cried for a week. I didn't understand why they had to pull me away from everything I loved in Baltimore. It didn't seem fair. I was mad.
When I was a senior in highschool I thought that I was going to know exactly where I wanted to go to college. I thought things would kind of just.. fall into my lap. I didn't understand when the time came to chose the college of my desire, why it had to be so difficult to decide where I wanted to go. I was stressed.

Looking back on all these things I didn't quite grasp at first, I see now the reasons God had behind each and every situation I was confused, mad, or stressed about. Whether it was something as trivial as eating my dad's tums, (I mean, duh. It was going to make me feel sick. I realized this after I was told, but I was wee at the time. I didn't know such things.) or something bigger like moving or going to college, I can look back now and see how these moments in my life happend for a reason. I learned from them. I grew from them. While in the moment I had no idea what was going on, later I can look back with an outsider's perspective and contemplate why certain circumstances needed to happen.

There's still things I will never understand. (like,why can't I whistle? and why were penguins made not able to fly? dumb!) But whether I look back and understand why.. those things I didn't understand.. happend... or I look back and wonder and rack my brain trying to find answers to things I STILL to this minute don't understand... I know that beautiful things will always surround me in a big yucky pool full of uncertainty. I will always have the most lovely friends who in their individual ways make me laugh and thankful beyond belief. I have parents who love me no matter what I do. I have a relationship with Jesus that I should make everything, when I too often put it on the backburner. I also have a new yellow flannel. which makes me happy. (ok ok, shallow I know).

life is weird. things will happen that sometimes there is an easy answer for and then that one experience will occur that makes you doubt everything. I'm stuck in the doubt. I gotta remember the truth.

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