I'm a cat person.
Now. I like dogs. They hold a dear place in my heart, and someday I will own a golden retriever.
But cats. I love cats.
For awhile, I was in denial that I was a true cat lover. I grew up with Mittens, and we bonded. We were together when she lost her brother Skittles. She was there when I crashed my bike and came home crying. I even played cards with Mittens. (I had really great creativity as a kid). But THEN, the middle school years came and I fell into the peer pressure of people telling me that "DOGS ARE COOLER." I agree that dogs are cooler in some ways. Such as being able to fetch things and going on walks with you.
But all along I knew that my denial was truly a lie and that in the depths of my heart the felines held my love.
Basically, this is my public confession and restatement of being a cat lover. I promise I won't become like this lady.
Meet Lando! My new kitten..becoming a cat now. (Started out being as boy. then thought to be a girl and pregnant. but soon discovered in an appearance of a little surprise down yonder, that Lando is indeed, a boy).
I'm really not a weird cat freak......................